School Code of Conduct


CODE OF SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY & CONDUCT The Lake Cowichan School Code of Conduct has begun a review process and we are seeking ways to incorporate a restorative justice model that is educative, preventative, and restorative. The Lake Cowichan School Code of Conduct can be summed up in one word: RESPECT. If we all (students, staff and parents) demonstrate RESPECT at all times, this will be a safe place to learn. To elaborate on what it means to show R.E.S.P.E.C.T. we summarize the following:


We will take responsibility for our actions and our schoolwork.



We will put forward our best effort at all times. We will be present and attend our classes and LET block.



We will behave in a safe manner at all times, not doing harm to ourselves and others.



We will demonstrate pride in ourselves, in our work and in our school.



We will behave in an ethical manner, demonstrating honesty and integrity.



We will work together – students, staff, and parents – to make this a better place.



We will be tolerant of differences and we will celebrate diversity.



Our behavior expectations and Code of Conduct are intended to be positive and restorative. Our Code of Conduct is built around “RESPECT” and is supported by the BC Human Rights Code. Our school promotes the values expressed in the BC Human Rights Code respecting the rights of all individuals in accordance with the law – prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex or sexual orientation or age – in respect of discriminatory publication and discrimination in accommodation, service and facility in the school environment. Our school will treat seriously behavior or communication that discriminates in any way. The Human Rights Code is available online at:

While our expectations and consequences apply to everyone, we will always take individual situations and special circumstances into consideration.

Principals and vice-principals have the right to regulate student conduct in order to preserve student and staff safety, to avoid disruption of, or interference with, the rights of other students in order to maintain a positive school climate and proper administration and operation of the school. This includes taking all reasonable steps to prevent retaliation by a person against a student who made a complaint of breach of Code of Conduct.

It is important that parents/guardians be informed when serious contraventions of the Code of Conduct occur. When appropriate, district personnel and other outside agencies including the RCMP may also be informed, with the specific goal of resolving the situation in the best interests of both the individual student and the greater school community. If required, the school district has an Appeals Process available at the schools or on the SD79 website.


  1. All members of the community are expected to show respect for themselves and others, the school facility, and the learning environment.
  2. Observe all aspects of the Student Code of Conduct.
  3. Be courteous in word and in action to all people in the school.
  4. Accept personal responsibility for behavior.
  5. Allow others to work without distraction or undue noise.
  6. Use appropriate language e.g. free of profanity, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, ableist language, or racial slurs.
  7. Comply promptly with reasonable requests by any staff member including coaches, teaching and support staff.
  8. Be environmentally responsible. Properly dispose of garbage or recycle in an appropriate container.
  9. Do not deface or damage school property.
  10. Inform staff, in a timely manner, of any incidents that might negatively impact the learning environment or other students (bullying, violence, harassment or intimidation).
  11. No smoking, including vaping, anywhere on school grounds or within 200 meters of the school.


  1. All behaviors must comply with the Criminal Code. Examples of violations that may lead to immediate suspension may include:
  2. Possessing weapons or imitations of weapons.
  3. Causing a false alarm.
  4. Possessing, using, or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  5. Violent incidents including written or verbal threats, bullying, intimidation, inciting others to violence, physical assault or fighting.
  6. Theft or vandalism.


  1. All are expected to work toward reaching their potential in each of their classes.
  2. Attend all classes – Attendance is kept for all classes and is mandatory.
  3. Be Punctual – Be in your class and prepared to learn on time.
  4. Be Prepared – Students are to arrive to class with the appropriate texts, books and writing materials.
  5. Be Positive – Actively participate in your learning.
  6. Seek assistance when needed – For the student who needs extra help, teachers provide times when a student can see them. Take advantage of these opportunities.
  7. Work honestly – Don’t cheat or plagiarize anyone’s work and don’t allow your work to be used for these purposes.
  8. Do not cause disruptions to the learning environment – It may be your choice not to learn but distracting or keeping others from learning is unacceptable.


Students can expect to be treated fairly and judiciously for any non-compliance with the Student Code of Conduct that threatens the well-being, safety or learning of others in the school. If non-compliance continues, there will be a progressive series of consequences based on the age and maturity of the student and the severity of the inappropriate behavior. Consequences for non-compliance with the Student Code of Conduct may include, but are not be limited to: verbal warnings, parental contact, service work, detention, restorative justice, suspension or referral to an alternate educational program as determined by the board.